PinnedHow I Found Myself in the Wake of My Mom’s DeathIt was early morning that day. The sky was still dark when I heard muffled crying. I kept my eyes firmly closed. I had this horrible…Jan 18, 20186Jan 18, 20186
Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. — Steve JobsA powerful message about personal authenticity, the fleeting nature of life, and the importance of carving out our own path.Feb 17Feb 17
How to Wake Up Early — Why Waking Up Early is Better to Start the DayThere’s something about waking up early to start your day.Feb 17Feb 17
My Company Hired a Bad SEO Agency — How to Spot Red FlagsI realized that the SEO agency was doing some shady business. They are an embarrassment to the whole SEO industry.Feb 16Feb 16
This is Me Now — Adaptability is the Key to SurvivalI used to have a personality, or at least, a personality I liked.Feb 11Feb 11
The Hardships of Spelunking and Life — Samaguing Cave in Sagada, PhilippinesI woke up feeling lethargic. As usual, my mind was in a rather bad mood today. I wanted to sleep some more but couldn’t, I had to wake up.Feb 11Feb 11
Mindful Minimalism: How to Declutter Your Life and MindEver feel like your life is a bit too cluttered, both physically and mentally? Whether it’s the overflowing closet that never seems to stay…Aug 18, 2024Aug 18, 2024
You Choose the Life You Want to LiveYou are the captain of your ship. If you’re not happy with where your ship is, then it’s your own damn fault.Jul 24, 2024Jul 24, 2024
The Power of Persistence“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence,” Jim Watkins’s quote encapsulates a powerful metaphor…Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
Heaven is wherever my love isHeaven is wherever my love is, A place where joy and bliss exist. For when I’m in your loving arms, The world around me loses its harms.Feb 15, 2023Feb 15, 2023